To date, by low-invasive and relatively safe way recognized rasvaimu — suction of subcutaneous fat using a special cannula vacuum suction after anesthesia. First through the cannula into the subcutaneous fat pumped liquid, good solvent fat. When the fat is dissolved, the solution was sucked off. For the treatment of large surfaces have to make some holes. Since the number of fat cells in human body invariably strictly from the moment of birth until the moment of death, liposuction can solve the problem radically. Where fat cells are removed, they no longer appear, and fat there will be no more. Especially liposuction with uneven distribution of subcutaneous fat, mainly its accumulation in the abdomen, flanks and buttocks. Sometimes the fat «round up» is extremely difficult, because in these places the density of insulin receptors in adipose tissue is several times higher than in others. Fat disappears from your hands, legs, face, etc., and on the abdomen and flanks may still be body fat, which never disappears, despite all efforts. For such cases, and there is liposuction. Each surgical method of fat removal has its advantages and disadvantages. Experienced specialist in cosmetic surgery can always recommend the option which in this case would be the most successful.
Rintojen suurennus
Secondly, rintojen suurennus is an operation that relate to the field of reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. This operation can occur for aesthetic reasons, for example if desired the woman or girl to have bigger Breasts to increase breast size), or just to have beautiful Breasts, ie change its shape, and for medical reasons, a doctor’s appointment, (for example, the female breast is malformed or should be restored after amputation).
Growing demand for plastic surgery to increase the breast due to the fact that it is quite effective and a safe procedure that does not require the patient for a long period of rehabilitation.
Thus, breast enlargement with implants (plastic surgery) remains the most widely recognized, proven and popular method. The use of silicone implants in aesthetic medicine endorsed by leading plastic surgeons and time-tested. Numerous scientific studies prove that the presence of implants does not cause cancer, immunological and other diseases. Safety of modern implants are made of biologically neutral multilayer shell and gel filler that is proven by independent companies for quality control of medicines.
Surgery for breast augmentation is contraindicated in the presence of certain diseases, namely cancer of the breast, poor blood clotting, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, lung diseases, in diseases of an infectious nature, as well as people with diseases of the nervous system. Surgery for breast augmentation, it is recommended to do after 18 years, when the Breasts of the girl was finally formed. Ie if you have a child, forget the breast augmentation for a few years, perhaps your Breasts will increase their own natural way.
Passing a thorough examination before surgery for breast augmentation definitely, the examination gives the doctor a complete picture of your health. After analysis of the survey results, the doctor decides about the possibility of surgery for breast augmentation.
Indications for surgery breast enlargement:
• small natural breast size (micromasty)
• drooping of the breast (usually caused by childbirth and breastfeeding)
• severe breast asymmetry
Vatsan muotoilu
Thirdly, if you have a little or too much flaccid muscle of the abdomen and excess skin on the abdomen, which is not reduced through diet or exercise, you may want to consider a way of dealing in the form of plastic surgery — vatsan muotoilu, popularly referred to as the tummy tuck. This procedure flattens your abdomen by removing extra fat and skin and tightens the muscles of the abdominal wall.
However, this is one of the main operations, so if you see her, please take the time to study the subject, thoroughly analyze Your own situation, and do not rush to make a final decision. A tummy tuck should be the last method, after you have exhausted all other measures, as well as the procedure should not be used as an alternative to weight loss.
Tummy tuck surgery is a surgical procedure aimed at correcting the excess skin, reducing fat tissue and tightening of the stretched muscles.